Tonrec Swiss GmbH - Tonerkassetten Recycling - Navigation
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Tonrec Swiss GmbH.
Swiss engineering and thoroughness.

We produce compatible toner cartridges.
Tonrec Swiss has produced its compatible toner cartridges in Switzerland since 1994. We supply dealers, distributors and resellers in Switzerland and the rest of Europe, which is why we are familiar with the high standards and needs of customers.
As the only Swiss manufacturer, we stand for the highest operational reliability, quick availability, outstanding service and high social and environmental standards.
Exclusive by Tonrec Swiss.
PLUS quality toner cartridges
The highest quality standards in the industry.
Ensuring that our products meet the highest quality standards in the industry has always been a matter of course for us. But this is no longer enough. Exercising best practice is our goal.For this reason, we have committed ourselves to a review of all our processes by focusing on more than just the bottom line and social standards, but also the environmental and economic impact of our actions.
Hence, the concept of ‘PLUS quality’!
Our customers are dealers, resellers and distributors. As such a customer, our loyalty is to you, which is why we do not deliver to end customers. This is because we want a partnership with our customers, not a rivalry. We ultimately strive for customer satisfaction. From the quality of our raw materials to our various services and all the way to the final product, Tonrec Swiss gives you PLUS level quality.
Tonrec Swiss GmbH.
Service with PLUS-Performance.
What you can expect from us
We know your time is precious, which is why we offer a complete range of toner cartridges. One call and your stocks will be full once again.High availability
In order to meet your needs as quickly as possible, we have a large range of popular brands in stock.Fast delivery and pick-up service
In order to ensure you have products available by the following morning, they are shipped by parcel post on the day the order is placed. Our service personnel will ship larger quantities free of charge and pick up any empties from you at the same time.Quickest introduction of new products
You can be the first to offer the latest print generation of refurbished toner cartridges in PLUS quality. We put the latest products on the market faster than anyone else. Thanks to our manageable size, we are able to respond faster than our competitors, which are dependent on a certain market volume due to profitability considerations. Our competitive advantage translates to your competitive advantage.Cost savings for your logistics and warehousing activities
Let us help you reduce your costs. Just send us your delivery slip and leave the rest to us. Your customer will receive its delivery directly from us, in your name, within 24 hours. It doesn't get any easier than that!Your own brand (private labelling)
Your name should occupy centre stage. That's why we offer you your own brand on request. For larger quantities, you can also design your own packaging, allowing you to emphasise the uniqueness of your brand.
Tonrec Swiss GmbH.
Ecological with a view to the future.
Verantwortung gegenüber der Umwelt und aller Beteiligten.
Jedes Jahr werden Tonnen von wertvollen Rohstoffen arglos in den Müll geschmissen und somit dem Ressourcenkreislauf zu früh entzogen. Wir möchten mit unserer Arbeit einen Teil zur Verlängerung des Lebenszyklus einer Tonerkartusche beitragen in dem wir einmal verwendete Kartuschen für unseren Recyclingprozess nutzen und Ihnen somit ein neues Leben schenken.In den vorhergehenden Jahren wurden ca. 80 % der Millionen von Tonnen an anfallenden Kartuschen verbrannt. Eine Kartusche benötigt bei der Herstellung im Durchschnitt 2 kg Erdöl und verursacht ca. 6 kg CO2. Das Recycling von Tonerkartuschen ist meist unwirtschaftlich, weshalb Tonerkartuschen an Wertstoffhöfen zusammen mit Sperrmüll thermisch verwertet werden (Verbrennung).
Eine unsachgemäße Entsorgung schließt zudem ein Recyceln oder die Wiederverwendung aus. Aus diesem Grund sind wir stetig bemüht Endverbraucher zu sensibilisieren und mit unserem kostenlosen Abholungsservice den Anteil der unsachgemäss weggeworfenen Tonerkartuschen zu reduzieren.
Zudem verhindern bei uns modernste Hochfiltrierungsanlagen schädliche Emissionen für Mensch und Umwelt und ein Wärmerückgewinnungs-System reduziert den Energiebedarf für unsere Produktion signifikant.

Switzerland / Headquarters
Tonrec Swiss GmbH
Industriestrasse 9
CH-5432 Neuenhof
CH-5432 Neuenhof
Monday to Friday
8am - 12 am / 1pm - 5.30 pm
8am - 12 am / 1pm - 5.30 pm
Tonrec Swiss GmbH
Pommernstrasse 29
D-79761 Waldshut - Tiengen
D-79761 Waldshut - Tiengen
Monday to Friday
8am - 12 am / 1pm - 5.30 pm
8am - 12 am / 1pm - 5.30 pm
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Tonrec Swiss GmbH
Industriestrasse 9
CH-5432 Neuenhof
CH-5432 Neuenhof
Montag bis Freitag
8 bis 12 / 13 bis 17:30 Uhr
8 bis 12 / 13 bis 17:30 Uhr
Tonrec Swiss GmbH
Pommernstrasse 29
D-79761 Waldshut - Tiengen
D-79761 Waldshut - Tiengen
Montag bis Freitag
8 bis 12 / 13 bis 17:30 Uhr
8 bis 12 / 13 bis 17:30 Uhr
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